Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ashley’s Favorite Sauces: Teriyaki

Another favorite sauce this week: a Teriyaki, for you gluten-free-ers! 

I know most of you can just go buy a bottle of teriyaki, but keep in mind, some of us can’t. And this is better and healthier for you anyway! 

If you need it GF, make sure you are using GF soy sauce!! Tamari is usually the easiest brand to find, around here.

I’ll put up a post on a stir-fry I am using this teriyaki in. Chicken and broccoli teriyaki, but keep in mine you could do any stir-fry with it, or use it as a marinade too.

1/4 C Tamari soy sauce
2 T pineapple juice
1 1/2 T honey
1 T rice vinegar 
1 T grated garlic
1 t cornstarch 
1 t grated fresh ginger

Mix together in a smal bowl; whisk until smooth.

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