Saturday, March 18, 2023

Super-Easy GF English Muffins

 You are simply not going to believe how quick and easy these are! They whip up with a fork in seconds, and only go in the microwave for a minute and a half. I let mine cool a bit while I beat up an egg for my sandwich (above) before cutting it in half and sticking it in the toaster oven there, and voila! Breakfast.


1T butter or margarine
1 egg
1T cream or half and half (I used fat free half and half)
2T almond flour
A grind of sea salt (just a pinch, if you don’t have a grinder)
1/2t baking powder

I used a regular-sized ramekin to cook it in. You’ll want something about that size, coated with pan spray.

In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the butter. With a fork, beat in the cream or half and half. Add the egg and beat well. Add almond flour, salt, and baking powder. Stir with the fork, and pour into the ramekin coated with pan spray.

Microwave 90 seconds.

Turn out on a cutting board, let cool slightly, and slice in half if you wish. 

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