Friday, December 31, 2021

Oatmeal Ideas!

Savory, not sweet for once!
I cannot STAND sweet oatmeal, but I have always loved oatmeal for breakfast. Getting diagnosed celiac was such a blow, because gluten free oats were not available then.

This is crumbled bacon and ricotta:

And this is a pumpkin oatmeal - I mixed pumpkin, ricotta, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla together in a tupperware to have ready for breakfasts. Once I microwave my oatmeal in the morning, I just toss a big spoonful in the oatmeal and top with sliced almonds.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Chicken and Spinach Pasta with Lemon

UPDATED: 12/26/21
I just made this with shrimp and broccoli - just as quick, and just as good! Again, it all came together while the pasta was cooking. I steamed the broccoli in the microwave while the water was heating, and then cooked the shrimp and stirred the sauce together while stirring the pasta a couple times! 

Seriously, guys, this would be a great weeknight dinner, because it cooked up super-super-fast! 

I had it boxed up and portioned out for the fridge in no time flat, I really did.

I started my pasta pot of water boiling while I steamed the spinach in the microwave and cleaned and diced my chicken:

So basically what you’re going to get blogged here is my sauce!

Starting out just with olive oil pan spray and a LOT of garlic in one of my favorite cast iron skillets.

Once that had browned a bit, I added my diced chicken. All over medium heat! We’re not trying to sear the chicken here. 😊

When my chicken was done, I stirred in a cup and a half of chicken broth and half a cup of lemon juice. That’s about the equivalent of the juice of two lemons, if you prefer!

*For those of you who are gluten-free: watch out for the chicken broth! Quite often broth is sold with wheat in it, by some name or other. I actually stick to my Orrington Farms broth base, because it’s labeled “Gluten Free” right one the front.

After that came to a simmer, I tossed in about 3/4C of fresh Parmesan to thicken the sauce. Then just toss your spinach, pasta, and the chicken in the sauce all together and top with more Parmesan to serve!

SO quick, seriously. It was great.

I kind of feel like, as a food blogger, I should do something more complicated to thicken a sauce than just tossing in cheese. But I LIKE cheese, the meltier the better! So. Parmesan it is.



1 lb gluten free pasta (I used Tinkanyada)
32 ounces fresh spinach
1 lb chicken breasts
Olive oil pan spray 
4 T garlic
1 1/2 C gluten free chicken broth (or water and gluten-free broth base)
Juice of 2 lemons or 1/2 C lemon juice
1 cup grated fresh Parmesan, divided

Put water on to boil for pasta.

Steam spinach in large, microwavable bowl, tightly covered. Microwave three minutes at a time, stirring between each, until wilted.

Clean and trim chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces.

When water boils, cook pasta according to package directions.

In a skillet over medium heat(cast iron is my preference), brown garlic in pan spray. When fragrant and slightly browned, add chicken. Keep stirring frequently as chicken cooks.

When chicken is cooked through, add broth and lemon juice. Bring to a simmer. Simmer 3-5 minutes, then add 3/4C Parmesan. Stir constantly while cheese melts.

Toss pasta, spinach, chicken, and sauce together in large serving bowl. Serve hot, topped with fresh Parmesan.

Servings: 8
Calories per serving: 305  

Lemon Parmesan Pasta with Spinach

 I didn’t get a picture of this one… sorry! I’m working without a microwave in the kitchen at the moment, so I’m a bit distracted. LEMON PAR...