Sunday, October 3, 2021

Spinach with Navy Beans


I suppose I don't really even have a recipe for this in the sense of measuring anything! But it really is such a good recipe it deserves writing down, even if you're going to be on your own for quantities, lol. 

I use a lot of spinach. (I like spinach. Spinach is my diet secret.)

I wilt it in the microwave, in a large plastic bowl, after adding a little bit of water and covering it. Four minutes, stir; if all your spinach didn't fit in the bowl for the first four minutes, add more now, cover again and microwave another four. 

When it's done, I toss in a handful of navy beans. You could use canned; I do them in the crockpot in batches and freeze. (They're healthier and I don't have to worry about them being gluten free that way.) 

Then I add another handful of fresh Parmesan, and usually a good bit of thyme or oregano, too.

Stir it up, let the Parmesan melt a bit, and serve it hot - or portion it out in tupperwares to have it ready to eat later. (Another diet secret: I'm more likely to eat more veggies if they only need microwaved a minute!)

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