Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ashley’s Favorite Sauces: Browned Butter

*Does this count as a ‘sauce’? I couldn’t make up my mind! 

Browned butter is a great addition to vegetables, in any case, so I’m adding it on to the “Ashley’s Favorite Sauces” series. 

For just a little time at the stove - you’ve got to keep an eye on it, it goes from “browned” to “burned” QUICK - it instantly up’s a plain steamed vegetable to practically gourmet! I’m using it for spinach, here: equally good on just about anything, broccoli, squash, Brussels sprouts, you name it.

Butter. That’s all it is, truly.
I’m using my cast iron, because I always use my cast iron.

Melt your butter over medium.
Once it’s melted, turn heat to HIGH and start stirring.

You can see mine kind of clarified first - that’s what you call the frothy bubbling, for those of you who don’t do this often  - but keep it on high and keep stirring, and it moves past clarifying to browning pretty quickly.
As soon as it starts turning brown, pull it off the heat! If you’re using cast iron, that means getting it out of your cast iron, too, because they hold heat.
And there you go: that’s it.Browned butter sauce.

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