Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cauliflower Gluten Free Pizza Crust

I have tried many, many gluten free pizza crusts over the years: this one has actually become my go-to, can you believe it? A cauliflower crust? I’ll tell you why:


Pre-riced frozen cauliflower has been the BEST for healthy pizza crusts. I don't know about the rest of you, but ricing my own cauliflower was WAY too much effort.

Nice and easy, here, I’ll show you. 2 10-oz bags Green Giant riced cauliflower (I buy name brand Green Giant because it says Gluten Free right on the front); 3 eggs; about 1/2 C mozzarella; and maybe a scant 1/3 C grated Parmesan.

I use a pizza stone covered with parchment paper: note the use of parchment paper! A friend of mine tried this WITHOUT the parchment paper and it stuck horribly.

Preheat your oven to 400. Microwave the riced cauliflower according to package directions. Mine called for 5 1/2 - 6 minutes a bag. Tear or cut the bags open and let it sit for a bit to cool.

I beat my eggs with a fork (and checked my written changes to the original recipe!) while I was waiting.

Then stir both bags of riced cauliflower and your cheeses into the egg.
If you've never used parchment paper before, you've absolutely <got> to get some. Stuff is magical for baking and easy cleanup! Nothing sticks to it that I've ever tried, and you just throw it away when you're done, no scrubbing pans or baking sheets! They sell it in the grocery stores with the aluminum foil and plastic wrap and that sort of thing.

Scrape all your cauliflower mixture onto the pizza stone and spread it around. I use my bare hands to shape it; that’s always seemed to work best. SO much easier and quicker than kneading and shaping regular dough!

And into the oven for 25 minutes at 400 it goes!
VoilĂ !

Top it with whatever sauce or pizza toppings you choose: I am using an alfredo sauce I whipped up in the microwave real quick (equal parts butter, fat free half and half, and Parmesan, just heat till it’s melted and whisk together), steamed spinach, and rotisserie chicken. And mozzarella, of course, what’s a pizza without mozzarella cheese? 

*Just a health-conscious, calorie-saving tip here: I have found that if I use really top-quality pizza toppings (note I made the sauce rather than using a canned alfredo), I don’t feel the need to DROWN it in cheese. You’ve got cheese in the crust already, remember! If I’ve put the money and effort intgetting really good pizza toppings, I want to be able to TASTE those toppings, you understand. You can see, it's not a solid slab of melted cheese. I used closer to 3/4-1 cup, rather than two or three cups of shredded cheese.

Pop it back in the oven for 8-10 minutes or until the cheese is melted. Aaaaaand done!

2 10oz bags frozen riced cauliflower
3 eggs
1/2 C shredded mozzarella cheese
1/3 C shredded Parmesan 

Preheat oven to 400.

Cook cauliflower according to package directions and allow to cool slightly.

Beat the eggs together; add cauliflower and cheeses. Stir until mixed well.

Top a pizza stone or round baking sheet with parchment paper. Press cauliflower mixture to even thickness on parchment paper.

Bake at 400 for 25 minutes.

Remove from oven; top with desired sauce and toppings. Return to oven 8-10 minutes or until cheeses are melted and lightly browned.

Servings: I wound up cutting six slices out of my pie.
Calories per serving: *just for the crust* 55

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