Saturday, October 26, 2019


Ashley’s diet ruminations of the day: 
How I Keep That Hundred Pounds Off, in other words.

*measuring out nuts for bedtime snack now*

A really huge problem with obesity in America - I know we eat trash, that’s the other huge problem - but really, a big part of it is that Americans just eat TOO MUCH. What a restaurant serves you, just for one, is usually twice a meal!

I cook on the weekends, if you haven’t figured that out by now 😊, and bento box my portions for the week.

I think we all probably have a tendency, too, to think we can go on eating what we always have been able to eat - no? 

Our metabolisms slow down with age. If you haven't figured that out yet - hold on, it's coming. 

Note that! That means if we want to stay the same weight with a slower metabolism, WE’VE GOT TO EAT LESS THAN WE’VE BEEN USED TO.

I hit the ‘40-year-old’ slowdown a couple years early, I think, but it definitely happened. I kept the weight off! But I’m eating less to do it.

Think about it. Legit think, if you’re struggling with your weight. Lots of times it’s not really a fad diet you need, you know. 

It’s just - not eating as MUCH.

PORTION what you eat. For me, I count calories to keep portions in check. A lot of people don’t want to do that; I get it, it’s work. It's just what works for me!

Measure it. Weigh it. 

Count out how many servings are in that box or bag and separate them out. Figure out how to make 2 oz of pasta a dinner serving! (I add bulk, vegetables and lean protein.) Food scales are the best, too. Get a food scale. They’re cheap, I picked mine up for $10-$15, I think.

Use your measuring cups. Buy that food scale! We ALL overestimate when we're estimating.

KNOW what you're eating - and KNOW HOW MUCH.

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