Saturday, October 12, 2019

InstaPot Green Beans

was very wary of vegetables in the Instapot - I thought they’d be too fragile to stand up to pressure cooking - but green beans do GREAT.

You know I tend to buy my vegetables in bulk. I bought two of these bags for the week.
Thankfully they did not need much trimming! 

Lessons from the knife skills class inserted here: how to hold a paring knife! See how my forefinger’s steering the paring knife?

Filled up the Instapot, and just barely covered with beef broth.

Put the lid on, set on Pressure Cook (pressure high) for two minutes, and - go!

Then I release the pressure manually when they’re done, so they don’t continue cooking, and drain in a colander. 

So nice and easy! And that’s green beans for the week!

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