Friday, August 30, 2019

Just a Brief Intro!

Just a brief intro: that is, why a random ashleyetc is starting a food blog?

  • Mainly, because I have lost well over a hundred pounds (114lbs exactly at last count!);
  • I am a celiac, which means I have to eat gluten free, and I’ve been GF long enough to have that diet down too; 
  • and because I do all my own cooking myself, which is, of course, much healthier for everyone.

But - I am consistently surprised at the number of people who think this takes forever! So, I shall teach you how I cook from scratch without spending hours and hours and hours in the kitchen - and how I keep that weight off!

Shopping the outside of the supermarket, you know, buying fresh and frozen and not processed; watching portions; balancing meals; not eating out as much; it takes a bit more planning on the front end, I will admit. But being able to grab a healthy, balanced bento box for lunch - that'll give you the energy you need for the afternoon! - is worth it. It really is.

Healthy lunch bento boxes to come tomorrow is a spinach and tomato quiche - that one’s also a breakfast favorite, and the recipe’s awesome, you can toss anything into it. 

Dinner tomorrow is a shrimp and broccoli fettuccine!  That’s a new recipe for me. I shall share it if it turns out well.

Some quick intros to the websites I use most often for easy, quick recipes:

Eating Well is great. I recommend signing up for their newsletters! Trying to actually subscribe to their magazine didn't really work. I kept expecting them to actually, you know, send it or something, and that never really happened. Their email newsletters are good though.

Delish is another favorite, especially for minimizing your time on your feet - sometimes a problem, here! Kitchen mats only help so much, you know!

1 comment:

  1. Can’t wait to try some of your recipes. Thank you for making me laugh (good for the soul) at your Eating Well magazine comment.


Lemon Parmesan Pasta with Spinach

 I didn’t get a picture of this one… sorry! I’m working without a microwave in the kitchen at the moment, so I’m a bit distracted. LEMON PAR...